Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I added a new element of health to our family. I have started to buy wheat and then grind it at home to make bread. I started making bread back near Christmas but was recently informed about the HUGE benefits of making bread for our family. The long term goal is to eliminate white flour which will mean lots of home cooking....phew. For now, I have not bought any store bought sandwich bread and I've kept up with that (2 weeks). I'm off to make some more bread now....


  1. Glad to have some buddies trudging along with me. I am on day 4 of no sugar and no bread, pasta, etc. Trying to keep the carbs low because that's what's good for MY body. That is the biggest thing I have learned over the years. Everyone is different. People's bodies and their metabolism respond to different thing differently. What is tried and true is keeping a journal of what you eat and how it makes you feel. You will be amazed at how good you feel when you eliminate the things that make you feel bad. They taste good going down but the aftermath can last days. Here's to loving ourselves as we are but striving to love Christ MORE than food.

  2. Roll It.
    Pat It.
    Put in the oven for me and you!

  3. Love this Melanie! Thanks for the encouragement.
